Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust has had several breaches involving loss or theft of personal information. But it wasn’t the breaches per se that caught the attention of the Information Commissioner’s Office as much as the finding that the Trust was only requiring their employees to refresh Information Governance (IG) training every two years. As…
Category: Health Data
Healthfirst notifying 5,300 members whose data were stolen between 2012-2014
Healthfirst, 100 Church Street, New York, New York 10007, is notifying approximately 5300 affected members and past members that their personal information may have been compromised in the course of a criminal fraud scheme perpetrated against Healthfirst. Social Security numbers and credit card information were not affected. On May 27, 2015, Healthfirst was informed by the Department of…
Georgia Division Of Aging Services Notifies 3,000 Clients Of Data Breach
Randy L. Key reports: Georgia’s Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services has notified approximately 3,000 clients in the Community Care Services Program of an unauthorized disclosure of their protected health information. The Department has identified the root cause of the issue, which involved the inadvertent disclosure of certain health diagnoses of affected program…
Update on Medical Informatics Engineering breach (update3)
I’ve previously reported on the breach at Medical Informatics Engineering that affected a number of their Medical Informatics Engineering and NoMoreClipboard clients. Today, they provided an update on the breach. Much of it is a rehash of the previous notification, but there are some additional details on the types of information compromised: The affected data relating to…
Almost 500 veterans notified of breach due to mailing label errors by medical supply vendor
A Veterans Administration incident report started with a report that 121 patients of the Charleston, SC facility received medical supplies from Medline Industries intended for 121 other patients. The error was the medical supplier’s packing error. It seems that in April, the supplier had installed a new automated system for applying shipping labels to packages, and the new…
Albuquerque veterans’ information exposed in human error breach
Errors continue to plague the Veterans Administration System. In its June report, the Albuquerque VA reported that a veteran returned a a list to the Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF-OIF) Office. He had found the list containing 73 veterans’ full names and full Social Security Numbers with appointment dates in paperwork he had picked up…