A Veterans Administration incident report started with a report that 121 patients of the Charleston, SC facility received medical supplies from Medline Industries intended for 121 other patients. The error was the medical supplier’s packing error. It seems that in April, the supplier had installed a new automated system for applying shipping labels to packages, and the new…
Category: Health Data
Albuquerque veterans’ information exposed in human error breach
Errors continue to plague the Veterans Administration System. In its June report, the Albuquerque VA reported that a veteran returned a a list to the Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF-OIF) Office. He had found the list containing 73 veterans’ full names and full Social Security Numbers with appointment dates in paperwork he had picked up…
Ca: Victoria urologist suspended, fined $20,000 for breach of privacy
Following up on a previously reported breach from June, 2013, Cindy E. Harnett reports: The College of Physicians and Surgeons has disciplined a Victoria urologist for photographing an unconscious patient in 2013 for the purpose of ridicule, suspending his privileges for up to six months and issuing a $20,000 fine. Dr. John Francis Joseph David Kinahan of…
Potential class action filed in UCLA Health System breach
So of course UCLA Health System has been sued over their recently disclosed breach, even though they’ve said they don’t have any evidence that patient information was even accessed. All they know/were able to confirm so far is that the hackers had access to the part of the system that housed patient information. Law360 has…
KY: Metro employees’ personal information at risk after breach at cloud vendor (updated)
No. This is not yet another data breach in the healthcare sector. What it appears to be is a surprisingly late notification in a previously known breach, though. WLKY reports that the personal information of potentially more than 10,000 Louisville metro workers who have Concentra health insurance may have been impacted by the Medical Informatics Engineering…
New guidelines after data breaches at University Hospital Galway
Dara Bradley reports: New guidelines for supervising students conducting research at University Hospital Galway (UHG) were put in place following the discovery of a serious breach of data protection of female patients at the hospital. The guidelines were put in place in response to one of a number of data protection breaches, including release of…