The Information Commissioner’s Office announced two undertakings today. The first, involving Western Health & Social Care Trust follows two incidents. One incident concerned the theft of two computers from Trust premises during a burglary on October 8, 2013. The computer contained sensitive personal data relating to the provision of specialist mental health services by a retired employee. Although investigation determined…
Category: Health Data
Misdirected email faulted in data breach affecting hundreds of UPMC insurance customers
Confirmation from Adam Smeltz of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the UPMC Health Plan breach reported yesterday involved e-mail: UPMC Health Plan blamed a misfired email message for the release of personal information about 722 members. The email meant for a physician’s office in Lawrence County was sent instead to an incorrect address, revealing patient names, insurance…
Mayo Clinic discloses insider breach
John Russett reports: A Mayo Clinic Health System in Red Wing employee who inappropriately accessed more than 600 patients’ records is no longer employed by Mayo Clinic. According to Asia Zmuda, Mayo Clinic Health System in Cannon Falls, Lake City and Red Wing public affairs manager, the information breach was discovered sometime within the last…
722 UPMC Health Plan customers affected by data breach
Rich Lord reports: UPMC Health Plan has suffered a data breach, and today notified its members, according to a spokeswoman for the insurer. Neither Social Security numbers nor medical information was included in the lost material, wrote Gina Pferdehirt, director of public relations for UPMC Health Plan, in an email response to questions. “So while…
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association to offer all members nationwide free identity theft protection service
John George reports: Independence Blue Cross, the Philadelphia region’s largest health insurer, said Tuesday it will offer identity protection services — at no charge to eligible members and their dependents — starting Jan. 1, 2016. The action was part of the national Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s announcement that Blue plans across the country will…
Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield offering credit protection to members affected by computer theft
From ABCBS: Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield is taking steps to protect its members and applicants from identity theft after an independent insurance agency was broken into last month. Treat Insurance Agency reported a break-in at its North Little Rock office on June 16, 2015. Two computers, which stored information from 560 Arkansas Blue…