Melanie Kendall reports: A Madison County man says he found thousands of medical records stuffed in a dumpster. Carl Swanger says Saturday he found 65 boxes filled with patient information, including social security and credit card numbers. He says immediately he knew something wasn’t right. The boxes were stuffed in a dumpster at AAA Rent-A-Space…
Category: Health Data
New York State Office of Mental Health Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research notified over 500 of lost laptop
The New York State Office of Mental Health Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research notified 563 research participants (?) of a lost laptop. The notification to HHS was made on April 10, but I can find no notice on the state’s web site or on the institute’s web site to explain what happened or…
U.S. HealthWorks notifying employees of laptop theft
U.S. HealthWorks, a Dignity Health member, is notifying employees that one of their fellow employees screwed them by leaving a laptop with their unencrypted name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, and job title in a car, from where it was stolen overnight. Well, they don’t describe it that way, but that’s the net result,…
Data breach lawsuit against UPMC by employees dismissed
It was one year ago that a lawsuit was filed against the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (UPMC) over a data breach that allegedly resulted in many employees becoming victims of tax refund fraud. Now Adam Brandolph reports that the lawsuit in Common Pleas court was dismissed by an Allegheny County judge. Common Pleas Judge R. Stanton Wettick…
Buffalo Heart Group discovers insider wrongdoing involving patient information
Jill Perkins of WKBW in Buffalo, New York posted a statement from attorneys for the Buffalo Heart Group: The Buffalo Heart Group, LLP, a local medical practice, uncovered a serious breach of its computer system that took place in the Spring, 2014 and affected between 500 and 600 of its patients. The recently completed internal…
Jersey City Medical Center employee gaffe exposed patients’ PHI in e-mail attachment
Add Jersey City Medical Center to entities experiencing an e-mail breach of PHI. From their statement of April 20, 2015: On February 19, 2015, as part of routine hospital operations, an employee of Jersey City Medical Center accidentally sent an e-mail meant for internal use that included an attached spreadsheet with some patient information to…