Edgepark Medical Supplies has notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office of a breach reported earlier this month to Vermont’s Attorney General. Their earlier report explained how malware inserted in their system went undetected until December 2013 when Symantec recognized it as malware and added it to their database/product. Edgepark’s more recent report adds additional…
Category: Health Data
Ca: Misdirected faxes continue to compromise patient privacy
Press release from the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner: Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, Gary Dickson, has released his latest Investigation Report H-2014-001 which is a systemic investigation examining several privacy breaches involving misdirected faxes containing personal health information. In total, this investigation captures ten different trustees, including eight regional health authorities, 20 separate files…
Veteran Affairs' E-Benefits website exposing veterans' information
Jon Camp reports: Navy veteran Sylvester Woodland said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing Wednesday night when he logged onto the Veteran Affairs’ E-Benefits website. “It gave me a different person’s name, each and every time I came back,” Woodland said. At first I thought it was just a glitch, but the more I…
Jury Convicts Georgia Woman for Stolen Identity Tax Refund Fraud
A jury in the Middle District of Georgia convicted Kimberly Michelle Banks on Jan. 14, 2014, of conspiring to file false federal income tax returns in the names of stolen identities, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced. Banks was also convicted of wire fraud, aggravated identity theft and theft of government money….
AU: Cyber attacks: pharmacies, patient records targeted 'ransomware' attacks
Jake Sturmer and Alison McClymont report: Pharmacists have become the latest targets of sophisticated computer hacks known as ransomware attacks, which lock up PCs until victims pay up. Once the hackers plant the virus, the files on a computer become encrypted and unable to be accessed. Victims have a set amount of time to pay…
Google ads targeting Canadians using personal health info violate Canadian privacy law – Privacy Commissioner
The Canadian Press reports: Canada’s interim privacy commissioner says Google has been caught afoul of the law by displaying web ads linked to a person’s health history. An investigation led by Chantal Bernier, who has stepped in for outgoing privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, backed up a man’s complaints that he was seeing so-called behavioural advertisements…