reports: The Rothman Institute, which has locations throughout Atlantic and Cape May counties, released a letter regarding an internal breach of patient data that could have affected the privacy of some patients. The Philadelphia-based orthopedic institute said in a statement Monday they discovered a former employee had removed paper copies of daily patient schedules…
Category: Health Data
Health information of 3,000 people may have been released in SLU security breach
KMOV reports: Saint Louis University officials say someone may have accessed protected health information of thousands of people after a possible security breach in early August. According to school officials, some SLU employees gave out their account information in response to a sophisticated phishing email scam they received on July 25. An investigation revealed someone…
Region of Peel announces breach
Press statement by Emil Kolb, Chair of The Region of Peel, Regarding a Breach of Personal Health Information from a Public Health Program: Despite having practices and protocols in place to protect the privacy of our clients, we have had a breach of personal health information that affects more than 18,000 clients who participated in…
NC: CaroMont Health reveals security breach
Here’s another case where a breach was discovered by a routine audit. Michael Barrett reports: An unsecure email sent by a CaroMont Health employee has resulted in a possible security breach involving hundreds of patients’ personal health records. The email in question contained protected health information, including names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, medical…
Your PII were lost in the mail – Clinical Reference Laboratory (update1)
Clinical Reference Laboratory provides lab tests for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance policy applicants. On September 17, they learned that a billing sent to MassMutual on September 6 with applicants’ names, dates of birth, type of lab test performed, and/or partial or full Social Security numbers had been damaged in transit with USPS and some pages…
CORRECTED & UPDATED: Texas Health notified patients promptly following discovery of breach
CORRECTION: In response to the original post, below, I received the following e-mail from Texas Health: Good morning. Just an FYI that we did notify these patients within the 60-day timeframe. The problem is that in our efforts to keep the press release at the top of our news page and easy for people to…