No detailed medical records were involved, but the Michigan Department of Community Health is notifying nearly 50,000 affected residents that their PII/PHI may have fallen into the hands of a hacker. CBS Detroit reports the state has sent out letters after computers hosting the Michigan Cancer Consortium website were accessed by hackers. “They were reports…
Category: Health Data
MA: Medical records discovered in dumpster
Laura Hutchinson reports that a passerby discovered medical files left in a dumpster. The files were from Behavioral Health Network in Springfield. A spokesperson for BHN was reportedly surprised by the discovery: Darcy says this shouldn’t happened because they pay to get records shredded. “They come in and shred documents right on the premises before they take it…
Clients discover security breach on insurance carrier’s patient portal
Jenny Anchondo reports from Indianapolis: A security breach with a local health insurance company has been exposing members’ home addresses, cell phone numbers, prescriptions and extensive medical information in an online portal. The company had no clue about the issue, until Fox 59 notified them. So how many people might have been impacted? Fox 59…
Recent HHS updates
HHS has updated its breach tool again. Here are the new additions, starting with the ones we already knew about: Fayetteville VAMC UMASS Amherst Various Health Plans, AL, SynerMed / Inland Valleys IPA (note: 3,164 were affected) Lincoln County Health and Human Services/Lincoln Community Health Center (note: 959 were affected) Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Palm…
Indiana FSSA notifying 187,533 clients of potential information breach
From their press release today: The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) is in the process of notifying some FSSA clients that some of their personal information may have been accidently disclosed to other clients. The accidental disclosures may have occurred when RCR Technology Corporation (RCR), a contractor for FSSA, made a computer programming…
NE: PHI on 2,125 patients was on chip that fell out of a thumb drive on a lanyard
From the Lincoln Journal Star: They emptied vacuum cleaner bags. Scoured the office. Nothing. Somehow, somewhere, sometime in May, a computer chip containing medical records for more than 2,000 of a Lincoln doctor’s patients went missing — likely having slipped from the thumb drive Dr. James Fosnaugh wore on a lanyard around his neck. Fosnaugh’s office,…