A health care worker who sold Medicare beneficiary information to Detroit-area home health agency operators as part of a $24.7 million home health care fraud conspiracy pleaded guilty this week for his role in the scheme, which sought to profit by billing for home healthcare services that were medically unnecessary and not provided. Clarence Cooper,…
Category: Health Data
Hello, you appear to have been hacked. Hello? Anyone there?
I’ve occasionally blogged about how frustrating it can be to try to notify an organization that they’ve apparently been hacked or had a breach. When that organization is a hospital and I can’t reach anyone, it’s even more frustrating. This week, it happened again. I ranted in Twitter a bit, and Jake Kouns suggested I…
EXCLUSIVE: Johns Hopkins offering patients affected by privacy breach free counseling services
As I mentioned in previous posts, Johns Hopkins’ first breach statement about OB/GYN patients who may have been secretly photographed or videotaped by a physician included a reference to “counseling” for patients. Since this was the first time I’ve ever seen a reference to “counseling” in a breach notification statement and it struck me as…
Police Work To Identify Patients Whose Privacy May Have Been Violated By Gynecologist
Fears over a privacy breach involving a now-deceased doctor at Johns Hopkins are growing as word spreads about the breach. As reported by CBS, a number of Dr. Nikita Levy’s patients are worried that they may have been videotaped or recorded by him during gynecological or obstetrical visits and that the recordings may have been…
Update: Former employee and one other person indicted in connection with Medicaid database breach
Back in April 2012, there was a large insider breach involving South Carolina’s Dept. of Health and Human Services Medicaid database. Today, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced that the employee and a second person have been indicted: Christopher R. Lykes, Jr. (DOB 06/02/1975, Swansea, SC) was indicted for four (4) counts of willful…
Journalist uncovers hospital data breaches in France
Winston J. Maxwell writes: An article published by specialist healthcare news website Actusoins has revealed data breaches at several French hospitals and clinics, demonstrating that such incidents can occur even in a highly regulated jurisdiction. The journalist was researching another article and entered the name of a physician into Google. She was astonished to find, at…