AP reports: Two New York women are facing grand larceny and other charges after a prosecutor said they posted phony Craigslist ads for nonexistent jobs and apartments and then used respondents’ personal information to obtain state income tax refunds, bank loans and credit cards in the victims’ names. Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice said…
Category: ID Theft
NC: Deputies: Windstream employee stole ‘numerous’ customer accounts in fraud
Nathan Hardin reports: A Mt. Pleasant man turned himself in this morning after authorities issued warrants for his arrest. Deputies said he stole “numerous” customer accounts for more than a year while he was working as a Windstream employee. Authorities said Walter Darnell Austin, 45, used the financial information of Windstream internet customers to buy…
Tide fans ordering from Bamastuff.com may have had credit card information stolen
Yvonne T. Betowt reports: University of Alabama fans who bought items from Bamastuff.com between Aug. 1, 2009, and Jan. 16, 2012, are being alerted to contact their banks for possible illegal and unauthorized use of their credit cards. Bamastuff.com has sent out email notifications informing customers about a breach in its database, which was discovered…
Follow-up: 8 years for last conspirator in ’09 credit fraud
Kaitlyn Walsh reports: The last of seven Minnesotans involved in a 2009 credit-card fraud scheme that targeted restaurant patrons was sentenced Thursday in federal court in St. Paul. […] The conspirators included workers from the Olive Garden, two Wendy’s restaurants and the Split Rock Grill in Bloomington, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. All seven…
WV: Bank says Va. company failed to prevent ID theft (update1)
Here’s another breach I hadn’t heard about. Interesting to see the bank suing the firm for negligence in security. Kyla Asbury reports: The Bank of Charles Town is suing N/L Entertainment after it claims the company failed to prevent the theft of debit card and credit information of its customers at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas…
Stratfor updates those affected: will be offering free credit monitoring services and will be boosting security
The following was provided to DataBreaches.net by one of the recipients: From: “STRATFOR” Date: December 25, 2011 3:49:06 PM MST To: [redacted] Subject: Update on Security Issues Reply-To: “STRATFOR” View on Mobile Phone | Read the online version. Dear Stratfor Member, On December 24th an unauthorized party disclosed personally identifiable information and related credit card…