Kalyan Ray reports: A Jabalpur-based Lt Col has been detained and being questioned by the army intelligence officials on the suspicion of data leak. The officer posted at 506 army base workshop was quizzed by the Military Intelligence after the alert by the Intelligence Bureau. “The officer continues with his routine duties in the unit…
Category: Insider
ICE lawyer in Seattle charged with stealing immigrants’ identities
AP reports: The chief counsel for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Seattle has been charged with stealing immigrants’ identities. Raphael A. Sanchez, who resigned from the agency effective Monday, faces one count of aggravated identity theft and another of wire fraud in a charging document filed Monday in U.S. District Court. Prosecutors with the…
Triple-S Advantage notifies 36,305 Puerto Rican members of mailing error involving their information
If you were an entity that wound up as part of a $3.5 million settlement with HHS in 2015, you probably wouldn’t want to be reporting yet another breach to HHS now, particularly if your area was still trying to recover from a major hurricane and crisis. Yet that’s the situation Triple-S Advantage, an independent licensee…
Hygienist Steals Patients, Leaves Dentist with Huge Legal Bills
So we’ve all read breach reports about employees or former employees stealing patient data to go start a new competitive practice or to help their new employer. And a blog post on Dental Practice Marketing and Management by Jim Du Molin about a dental hygienist stealing patient data for her new place of work read…
RoxSan Pharmacy Notifies Patients of Breach That Occurred in 2015
There are a number of unanswered questions about an incident disclosed by RoxSan Pharmacy today. See what you think, starting with their press release of today: As part of its commitment to patient privacy, RoxSan Pharmacy (“RoxSan”) notified 1,049 patients of a potential breach of unsecured personal patient protected health information. RoxSan is notifying affected…
Lawsuit against Rensselaer County partially revived on medical privacy issue
There’s an update to an insider-wrongdoing lawsuit that I first noted back in September, 2013, after some employees at Rensselaer County Jail filed suit against their employer for snooping in their medical records. As I’ve reported in the past, the breaches occurred against a backdrop where the county jail uses Samaritan Hospital to provide services…