Bethany Hiatt reports: An elite Perth girls school is reviewing its digital security after a student hacked into pupils’ confidential information that was visible only to teachers and distributed it using social media. Presbyterian Ladies’ College principal Beth Blackwood confirmed yesterday that a Year 10 student hacked the Peppermint Grove school’s computer database and accessed…
Category: Insider
Two Tennessee blokes use default ATM codes to steal over $400,000
Delwyn Pinto reports: When a small-time Tennessee restaurateur named Khaled Abdel Fattah was running short of cash he went to an ATM machine. Actually, according to federal prosecutors, he went to a lot of them. Over 18 months, he visited a slew of small kiosk ATMs around Nashville and withdrew a total of more than…
Citizens Bank Manager Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Identify Theft Scheme
Paige McAtee reports: A Stoneham bank supervisor was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison on Monday for his involvement in a stolen identity refund fraud scheme in which he opened bank accounts to receive fraudulent proceeds. Carlos Mauricio Gonzalez, 30, of Revere, opened business and personal bank accounts that were to receive proceeds from…
FL: Former Regions banker gets prison time, $1M+ judgment in ID theft
Margie Manning has an update to an insider breach first noted on this blog in May 2011: A federal judge in Tampa sentenced a former personal banker for Regions Bank to seven-and-a-half years in prison for her role in an identity theft scheme. The court also entered a money judgment of $1.17 million against the former banker, Howayda Hamdan….
Civilian employee for Coast Guard accused of stealing personal information
Kaitlyn Naples reports: A Connecticut man who is an information technology contractor for the United States Coast Guard has pled guilty to stealing personal information. The United States District Attorney said Larry Mathews, 34, of Pawcatuck pled guilty to stealing information found on hundreds of computers and personal electronic devices that had been brought to…
Coca-Cola sued over stolen laptops breach
Law360 reports that Coca-Cola was hit with a putative class action in Pennsylvania federal court Wednesday over the stolen-and-recovered laptops breach disclosed in January. I’m not finding the complaint in PACER yet. Law360 may have it, but a subscription is required.