A ransomware attack on the Indianapolis Housing Agency that was disclosed earlier this month continues to impact landlords and tenants. Logan Gay reports: Section 8 housing landlords like Bahrishum Gebregziabher are still waiting for the Indianapolis Housing Agency (IHA) to pay them this month. A recent ransomware attack has landlords not only worried about their income but…
Category: Malware
St. Amant Centre victim of attempted ransomware attack
Dan Vadeboncoeur reports: An organization supporting persons with intellectual disabilities says it has been the victim of a data breach. St. Amant Centre said its computer network was hacked on Aug. 23. In a release, the Winnipeg not-for-profit said it was an attempted ransomware attack. Read more at iheartradio.ca.
Wholesale giant METRO hit by IT outage after cyberattack
Sergiu Gatlan reports: International wholesale giant METRO is experiencing infrastructure outages and store payment issues following a recent cyberattack. The company’s IT team is currently investigating the incident with the help of external experts to discover the cause of this ongoing outage. IT outages have been affecting stores in Austria, Germany, and France since at…
CISA Alert: Daixin Team
[Comment: I’ve been waiting for this since I first suspected that Daixin Team might be responsible for the CommonSpirit breach. And although it has not been confirmed by anyone, I still suspect them of that one. — Dissent] Alert (AA22-294A) #StopRansomware: Daixin Team Download the PDF version of this report: pdf, 591 KB Technical Details Note:…
Bits ‘n Pieces (Trozos y Piezas)
AR: Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff computer system hit by ransomware In developing news, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces suffered a computer attack that caused them to disconnect servers from the internet as a preventive measure. Last night, military authorities confirmed the presence of “a malicious virus” in the networks…
OldGremlin, which targets Russia, debuts new Linux ransomware
Dev Kundaliya reports: Russian-speaking ransomware gang OldGremlin, which unusually targets Russian entities, is now using file-encrypting malware to target Linux machines. That’s according to the cybersecurity company Group-IB which on Thursday published what it claims to be the first comprehensive report on OldGremlin ransomware group, also referred to as TinyScouts. Read more at Computing.