Region 8 reports: Participants’ data of St. Bernards Total Life Healthcare, Inc. was breached by a ransomware attack, according to a media release from HIPAA Privacy Officer Daya S. Shipman. PeakTPA, a healthcare management services provider, notified TLH on Jan. 23 of a breach on or about December 28, 2020. Read more on KAIT8. PeakTPA…
Category: Malware
Hackers hit Indians with ransomware supporting farmers
IANS reports: In a unique way to support protesting farmers in India, cyber criminals have launched a new ransomware attack in the country that does not ask for money but justice for the community, conveying a message that no data will be recovered until the demands of the farmers are met, a new report revealed on Wednesday….
NY: Buffalo Public Schools hit with ransomware event
WBEN in Buffalo reports: Remote classes were canceled Friday in Buffalo Public Schools. Superintendent Kriner Cash says the district was hit by a ransomware event. The district says the IT department immediately went into problem resolution mode reaching out to a number of expert colleagues and professionals who have had experience with these types of…
Meanwhile, over in Germany…
Some cybercrime reports out of Germany in the past 48 hours (translated): The city administration of Ebeleben was the victim of a massive hacker attack on Wednesday. All servers are out of order, it says from the town hall. For this reason, the city administration will remain closed until Tuesday, March 16, inclusive. Read more…
Hackers attack City of Covington computer systems
It looks like the City of Covington, Louisiana was hit with a ransomware attack. has the report. The city is using Facebook to post updates. h/t, @Chum1ng0
Ransomware now attacks Microsoft Exchange servers with ProxyLogon exploits
Lawrence Abrams reports: Threat actors are now installing a new ransomware called ‘DEARCRY’ after hacking into Microsoft Exchange servers using the recently disclosed ProxyLogon vulnerabilities. Since Microsoft revealed earlier this month that threat actors were compromising Microsoft Exchange servers using new zero-day ProxyLogon vulnerabilities, a significant concern has been when threat actors would use it to…