It’s always nice when trends make sense. And it’s even nicer when professionals watch and analyze those trends for us. In a report released this morning, Gemini Advisory looked at the carding market in 2020 and how the pandemic does correlate with a significantly decreased demand for Card Present (CP) data on the dark web…
Category: Malware
FR: City of Pantin likely a victim of a ransomware attack
Dorine Goth reports (translation): A few weeks after Bondy ( Seine-Saint-Denis ), the city of Pantin would in turn be the victim of a cyberattack . “On a city scale, I must first tell you that our computer servers have probably been the subject of a cyber-attack attempt like other cities (Bondy, Charleville Mézières, Bayonne) before us. », Announced Friday December 11, 2020 Bertrand Kern , the…
Threat actors attack diagnostic laboratories in Virginia and New York
Attacks on hospitals by ransomware threat actors continue to make headlines, as do attempts to hack laboratories or entities involved in COVID-19 related research. Attacks on diagnostic laboratories without an obvious COVID-19 connection tend to garner fewer headlines but should be of no less concern, as the ability to diagnose health conditions correctly is a…
Regulatory Crackdown on Ransomware
Seetha Ramachandran, Nolan Goldberg and Hena M. Vora of Proskauer write: It is increasingly common for Ransomware attacks to be associated with large sophisticated cyber-criminal organizations, with a central entity providing the tools, training, and ability to collect ransoms and sending its “associates” out to cause harm. As long as victims continue to pay ransoms, Ransomware…
Threat actors claim to have attacked City of Dade City, Florida
From the this-doesn’t-bode-well department: Avaddon threat actors claim to have attacked the City of Dade City, Florida. Although the city has not made any statement either denying or confirming any attack at the time of this posting, the attackers did post some screenshots of directories and files that seem consistent with their claims. The attackers…
Huber & Suhner victim of cyber attack, production stands still
Swiss iTMagazine reports (translated): The industrial company Huber & Suhner from Herisau was the victim of a cyber attack. All of the company’s production facilities are currently closed worldwide. Read more on Swiss itMagazine. The attack was first reported on h/t, @Chum1ng0