Sergiu Gatlan reports: The City Hall of Del Rio, Texas was hit by a ransomware attack on Thursday, which led to multiple computers on the network being turned off and disconnected from the Internet to contain and analyze the malware. Victoria Vargas Public Relations Manager for Del Rio’s City Hall told BleepingComputer that around 30 to 45 computers were turned…
Category: Malware
Fake Movie File Infects PC to Steal Cryptocurrency, Poison Google Results
Ionut Ilascu reports: A malicious Windows shortcut file posing as a movie via The Pirate Bay torrent tracker can trigger a chain of mischievous activities on your computer, like injecting content from the attacker into high-profile web sites such as Wikipedia, Google and Yandex Search or by stealing cryptocurrency. Malware on TPB is not a…
A Nasty Trick: From Credential Theft Malware to Business Disruption
Kimberly Goody, Jeremy Kennelly, Jaideep Natu, Christopher Glyer write: FireEye is tracking a set of financially-motivated activity referred to as TEMP.MixMaster that involves the interactive deployment of Ryuk ransomware following TrickBot malware infections. These operations have been active since at least December 2017, with a notable uptick in the latter half of 2018, and have…
Attributions Have Consequences: The Danger of Calling Out Cyberattackers
Leonid Bershidsky reports: The $100 million lawsuit that Mondelez, the maker of Oreos and Cadbury chocolate, has brought against Zurich Insurance Group shows that governments should be more careful about identifying the would-be culprits in putative cyberwars: Such claims can have unintended consequences, and can sometimes harm businesses. […] Mondelez claimed $100 million on its…
Ransomware hits K-12 district in Connecticut
Betsy Foresman reports: Bridgeport Public Schools, a K-12 district in Connecticut about 40 miles northeast of the Bronx, became infected by ransomware on Friday, Jeffrey Postolowski, director of technology services, confirmed to EdScoop. First reported by the Connecticut Post, the cyberattack originated from a virus dispatched by a malicious outsider and has encrypted district data…
OXO Discloses MageCart Attack That Targeted Customer Data on
Lawrence Abrams reports: United States based kitchen utensil manufacturer OXO International disclosed a data breach that spans numerous periods over two years. This breach notification states that customer and payment information may have been exposed and further research by BleepingComputer indicates this was most likely a MageCart attack. In a data breach notification filed with…