Memphis-based Titan Manufacturing and Distributing has been notifying consumers that its computer system had been compromised by malware during the period of November 23, 2017 to October 25, 2018. Anyone placing an order on their site during that time might have had their shopping cart data — personal information plus card data including CVV —…
Category: Malware
Double whammy: BCBS of Michigan policyholders hit by two breaches in December
December appears to have been a rough month for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Yesterday, I discovered that they had a second breach that was disclosed last month, although it seems to have flown under most media radar. The first breach, fairly widely reported already, involved a laptop stolen from a subsidiary’s employee that…
Dental Center of Northwest Ohio’s notifies patients after IT vendor Arakÿta experiences ransomware incident
TOLEDO, Ohio, Dec. 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Dental Center of Northwest Ohio (the “Dental Center”) is providing notice to current and former patients and employees of a recent incident involving personal information. To date, the Dental Center has not received any reports that personal information has been misused as a result of this incident. On or about September 1, 2018, the…
North Korea defector hack: Personal data of almost 1,000 leaked
BBC reports: Almost 1,000 North Korean defectors have had their personal data leaked after a computer at a South Korean resettlement centre was hacked, the unification ministry said. A personal computer at the state-run centre was found to have been “infected with a malicious code”. The ministry said this is thought to be the first…
BevMo notifying thousands of customers after malware compromise of ecommerce site
From their template notification, submitted to the California Attorney General’s Office by Beverages & More (dba “BevMo”): Notice of Data BreachBevMo recently learned of a data incident from the ecommerce service provider that operates our website at This incident may have affected certain customers’ payment card numbers and other information entered on the BevMo…
California Department of Consumer Affairs suffers malware attack
Vincent Moleski reports: The California Department of Consumer Affairs suffered a malware attack Wednesday morning, affecting workstations and disrupting computer networks. Veronica Harms, the department’s deputy director, said in a prepared statement that all services to the public remained open, but the department had shut down some of its computer information network to protect electronic…