Ken Hashizume reports: The Town of Wasaga Beach is slowly but surely recovering from a recent cyber attack. Staff discovered ransomware was installed on the Town’s computer system in April affecting the website and municipal services. The Town was working with OPP in negotiating with the hackers. They say they have since been able to…
Category: Malware
MN: Associates in Psychiatry and Psychology disclose ransomware incident
Associates in Psychiatry and Psychology in Minnesota have notified 6,546 patients and HHS of a ransomware incident that occurred in March. Some time overnight between March 30 and March 31st, the practice’s files were locked up with TripleM ransomware. The ransomware not only locked up the data files, but according to their notification and FAQ…
New VPNFilter malware targets at least 500K networking devices worldwide
Cisco’s Talos writes: For several months, Talos has been working with public- and private-sector threat intelligence partners and law enforcement in researching an advanced, likely state-sponsored or state-affiliated actor’s widespread use of a sophisticated modular malware system we call “VPNFilter.” We have not completed our research, but recent events have convinced us that the correct…
Update: LifeBridge Health notifying 500,000 patients of security incident
Remember that LifeBridge Health and LifeBridge Potomac Professionals malware incident noted on this site on May 16? Baltimore Sun reports that they are notifying 500,000. Ouch.
IN: Allied Physicians of Michiana report SamSam attack
South Bend Tribune reports: A local physicians network was the focus of a recent cyberattack that released ransomware into its network. According to a press release from Allied Physicians of Michiana CEO Shery Roussarie, the company became aware of the cyberattack on Thursday afternoon and immediately took steps to shut down the network in order…
Notice of Data Breach at
Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Lab posted the following notice last night: Please forgive me for the time it took to publish this. I wanted to make sure we had all the facts before I posted, and I needed to ensure that I used the correct format for the notice as required by law. NOTICE…