John Bambenek writes: PDF files are a common way to distribute documents on the Internet and even are used for distributing documents with redacted (removed) content. However, when you distribute redacted documents make sure that the data you don’t want out there isn’t, in fact, still in the file. Case in point, take the upcoming…
Category: Miscellaneous
(follow-up) Suit over canola growers’ lost laptop dropped
Remember when a laptop stolen from the Canadian Canola Growers Association in 2008 resulted in 32,000 farmers being notified that their social insurance numbers and bank account information was in unknown hands? The Manitoba Co-Operator reports that a proposed class action lawsuit against the government and CCGA over the breach has been dropped. Regina lawyer…
County workers warned of ID theft in retirement association
Carol Ferguson reports: Thousands of local government employees and retirees have been warned after a case of identity theft turned up in the Kern County Employees’ Retirement Association. A former KCERA worker is accused of using a member’s information to access a retirement fund, and Eyewitness News has learned that worker was convicted of fraud…
And yet 2 more breaches
Maryland has updated its web site to provide breach notifications that it has received since its last update. The newly posted notifications are for the period ending December 31, 2009, so there will likely be more to come for 2010. Some of the breaches described in the notifications were reported in the media at the…
Nl: Data on hundreds of politicians leaked
Karin Spaink provides an English summary of a recent breach reported in Dutch media: The addresses, telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers, home e-mail addresses and work e-mail addresses of hundreds of politicians (all members of the PvdA, the Dutch social democrats) and a number of their sponsors are out in the open. Although the list…
UK: Alzheimer’s Society improves data security after staff details are stolen
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is reminding charities that personal information must be handled securely after finding the Alzheimer’s Society in breach of the Data Protection Act. The Alzheimer’s Society reported three separate breaches involving personal information to the ICO during 2009. Several unencrypted laptops were stolen during a burglary at their office in Cardiff…