It’s been a frustrating matter, but it may finally be resolved, thanks to the individual known as @fs0ciety on Twitter. In May 2019, was alerted to an online bloodbank in India that had a misconfigured Amazon s3 bucket. Despite repeated emails by this site and even a phone call from Banbreach infosec in India,…
Category: Miscellaneous
Hacker Group “Lizard Squad” Claim Responsibility for Attack on Labour Party
CISOMag reports: An infamous hacking group “Lizard Squad” claimed responsibility for the recent cyber-attack on the Labour Party. The hackers also warned that they are planning to launch a slew of such attacks, the Independent reported. Lizard Squad stated that it has used a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) tool to take down the party’s digital platforms….
Mysterious hacker dumps database of infamous IronMarch neo-nazi forum
Catalin Cimpanu reports: A mysterious hacker has published today a database dump of one of the internet’s most infamous neo-nazi meeting places — the IronMarch forum. The data published today includes a full copy of its content, including sensitive details such as emails, IP addresses, usernames, and private messages. Read more on ZDNet.
Steyer staffer resigns after downloading Kamala Harris info in data breach
Maura Barrett, Jordan Jackson and Deepa Shivaram report: A staff member for Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer used access he had previously been granted while working for the South Carolina Democratic Party to download data about rival Kamala Harris’ campaign, state party officials said Monday. The South Carolina Post & Courier was the first to report the breach….
Hackers can steal the contents of Horde webmail inboxes with one click
Zack Whittaker reports: A security researcher has found several vulnerabilities in the popular open-source Horde web email software that allow hackers to near-invisibly steal the contents of a victim’s inbox. […] Numan Ozdemir disclosed his vulnerabilities to Horde in May. An attacker can scrape and download a victim’s entire inbox by tricking them into clicking a malicious…
NSW Labor headquarters reported for possible data breach
Angus Grigg and Edmund Tadros report: The NSW Labor party could be dragged into the troubles of an embattled Sydney mayor after he was accused of breaching data privacy laws and misusing the electoral roll. Ryde mayor Jerome Laxale was reported to the NSW Electoral Commission after sending a seemingly innocuous birthday letter to a…