WRDW reports: Well that’s me right there and that’s pretty horrible.” It’s the last information anyone would want popping up on a stranger’s phone. But that’s exactly what Sterling Gray saw when I showed him the Augusta Salvation Army’s Auto Auction website. “It’s easy enough if you are knowledgeable how to go out and find…
Category: Miscellaneous
UK: Warning for workers after charity employee is prosecuted for data protection offences
Speaking of charity organizations and breaches, here’s the flip side of an external hack: an insider who doesn’t follow the rules of data protection. From the Information Commissioner’s Office: People working with personal information have been warned they have to obey strict privacy laws after a charity worker was prosecuted for making his own copies…
Charities unprepared for cyber attack risk
Recently, in an encrypted chat, a spokesperson for TheDarkOverlord (TDO) commented to me how their attack on Little Red Door in Indiana is still getting media attention. Not surprisingly to me, attacking a charity that helps cancer patients seemed to generate a particularly strong emotional response among members of the pubic. Well, that and threatening…
U.S. Prosecutors Consider Charging Russian Officials in DNC Hacking Case
Aruna Viswanatha and Del Quentin Wilber report: The Justice Department has identified more than six members of the Russian government involved in hacking the Democratic National Committee’s computers and swiping sensitive information that became public during the 2016 presidential election, according to people familiar with the investigation. Read more on The Wall Street Journal.
NY: Catholic Charities’ server hacked, possibly as early as 2015
Paul Nelson reports: The personal information of about 4,600 past and present clients and several employees of Catholic Charities may have been exposed after a computer server in the Glens Falls office was hacked, according to Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Albany. It sounds like the hacked server contained some medical information on the…
Whois Maintainer Accidentally Makes Password Hashes Available For Download
Tom Spring reports: The regional internet registrar that administers IP addresses for the Asia Pacific region accidentally leaked Whois database data, including hashed passwords, forcing it to reset all passwords for objects in its Whois database. According to Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC), the organization that maintains domains for the region, it experienced a…