Stuart Ramsay reports: Tens of thousands of documents, containing 22,000 names, addresses, telephone numbers and family contacts of Islamic State jihadis, have been obtained by Sky News. Nationals from at least 51 countries, including the UK, had to give up their most personal information as they joined the terror organisation. Only when the 23-question form…
Category: Miscellaneous
Ca: Medical files of 4,000 Vancouver patients stolen, raising alarms
Susan Lazaruk reports: Thieves who burgled a West Broadway office last month stole the personal medical files of 4,000 Vancouver patients, likely by far the largest privacy breach of medical records in B.C. in 10 years or longer. […] The theft of the 4,000 medical histories, which included names, addresses and B.C. Care Card numbers,…
MTISC-GOG investigation finds no evidence of breach
There’s a follow-up to a post concerning a possible data breach involving Maritime Trade Information Sharing Centre, Gulf of Guinea (MTISC-GOG). A statement from BIMCO had suggested that there had been a breach that could put ships at greater risk of attacks by pirates. DataBreaches received the following statement from LT(GN) Felix Tsekpetse, Officer in…
BIMCO: Security Breach in Anti-Piracy Program
No, it’s not copyright piracy we’re talking about here. MarEx reports: On Monday, BIMCO [Baltic and International Maritime Council] and The Standard Club issued a warning regarding an alleged security breach in the Maritime Trade Information Sharing Center (sic), Gulf of Guinea (MTISC-GoG), potentially resulting in the release of ships’ data to pirates. The breach has…
UK: Arrest in Norwich International Airport hack case
There’s an update to a hack of Norwich International Airport previously noted on this site. ITV reports that there’s been an arrest in the case, and a 29-year-old man has been charged. His name has not yet been made public. h/t, @arresttracker
United Nations World Tourism Organization hacked and forum members’ data dumped
The United Nations World Tourism Organization has reportedly been defaced, hacked, and forum data dumped by TeaMp0isoN. A TeaMp0isoN spokesperson alerted to the incident. The defacement was still evident as of the time of this posting. The forum dump contains 1524 records with forum member usernames, email addresses, and MD5-hashed passwords. In response to a inquiry…