Kyodo reports: Japan Airlines Co. said Wednesday that personal information on up to 750,000 JAL mileage club members may have leaked after someone gained unauthorized access to the company’s computer system The data include members’ names, addresses, birthdays and email addresses, the company said, adding that it has not confirmed the leak of passwords or…
Category: Non-U.S.
Ca: Employer liability for privacy breaches by employees
Daniel Mayer writes: A class action was recently allowed to proceed in Ontario against a major bank after one of its employees admitted to accessing and disclosing to third parties confidential information of the bank’s customers. While this case is not a final decision as to whether the bank was actually liable for its employee’s…
JP: Hackers access Justice Ministry data on bullying
JiJi reports: The Justice Ministry has revealed one of its computer networks was hacked and that some information may have been stolen. The ministry is assessing the extent of the damage, officials said Monday, adding that data on school bullying, abuse and other human rights violations may have been downloaded. Read more on The Japan…
NI: Former police officer’s damages award accounted for data breach distress, rules NI court reports: A former police officer’s claim for a £20,000 damages award to be significantly increased to reflect the distress he suffered as a result of the theft of his sensitive personal data has been rejected by a court in Northern Ireland. The former Special Branch officer, referred to only as ‘CR19’ in the judgment…
KR: Regulator to further penalize Kookmin, CitiBank
Chung Ah-young reports: The financial regulator said Sunday that it may impose additional penalties on officials responsible for large-scale data thefts that occurred earlier this year. The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) said that it will hold a disciplinary review committee meeting on Oct. 2 to discuss the severity of sanctions towards executives and employees of…
AU: Government agency leaks customer details without telling
Beau Donelly reports: A government authority has leaked the billing and contact details of Victorians online, but decided against telling affected customers even though the privacy breach posed a “medium to high” level threat. The undisclosed state authority responsible for the breach notified Privacy Victoria about problems affecting its online payment system after discovering the…