Richard Weiss reports: An intruder hacked into a Vodafone Group Plc (VOD) server in Germany, gaining access to 2 million customers’ personal details and banking information. A person with insider knowledge stole data including names, addresses, birth dates, and bank account information, the world’s second-biggest mobile-phone carrier said in a statement today. The hacker had no access to credit-card information,…
Category: Non-U.S.
Hanoi: 200 students off school because of hacker
Two hundred primary school students in Hanoi had a day off from school after a programmer hacked into the school’s messaging system to send a false notification to parents that students should take the day off. The programmer worked for a company that competes with the Ha Dinh school’s software provider and reportedly did it…
Luton Borough Council signs undertaking after data protection failures
An undertaking has been signed by Luton Borough Council following two incidents involving inappropriate handling of sensitive personal data. These incidents occurred after the council failed to implement recommendations made by the ICO for mandatory employee training following earlier incidents. The two more recent incidents involved sensitive personal data that was incorrectly handled by social…
UK: Transfer firm denies online security breach claims
Resorthoppa and A2B Transfers have insisted their websites are secure following complaints posted online from customers claiming to have been victims of fraud. The customer claimed their credit cards were used to make fraudulent transactions after booking with the sister transfer companies. Clients writing on internet forums said hundreds of pounds worth of unauthorised payments,…
UK: Leaked data revelations leaves Black Country councils red-faced
Oh the things that we learn from freedom of information requests: Personal information including medical details, a bank statement and the outcome of a disciplinary hearing are among documents accidentally leaked to members of the public in the past year, it has emerged. In Wolverhampton, a list of vulnerable people in placements was left in…
Ca: Wal-Mart investigates privacy breach at Regina store
Wal-Mart Canada is investigating a privacy breach at one of its Regina stores. The CBC iTeam, an investigative news unit, has learned that someone obtained the phone numbers – and photographs – of a customer who had used the photo developing machines in the east Regina location. Read more on CBC.