ElectraCard Services was one of two payment processors in India named in conjunction with that massive $45M cyberheist. The other one is reportedly EnStage, Inc. Read more on ManoramaOnline.com.
Category: Non-U.S.
Indian card processor in $45 million heist is ElectraCard Services – Reuter sources
Dinesh Nair and Jessica Dye of Reuters report that one of the card processors whose security was breached in a $45 million global cyber heist was India’s ElectraCard Services. No one has confirmed that officially, however, as the sources spoke on condition of anonymity. You can read the Reuter’s exclusive coverage here.
AU: Grave security breach of confidential police information puts informants at risk
Anthony Dowsley reports: The lives of informers and police officers have been put at risk over the “gravest” of leaks from inside the force. Police raids across Melbourne three weeks ago discovered volumes of confidential and sensitive police files dating back three years. So far, a junior police officer from the northern metro region has…
AU: Supplementary Policy on Data Breach Notification Legislation Submitted by APF
The Australian Privacy Foundation has submitted additional comments on proposed data breach notification regulations in Australia. You can read their supplement here. Not surprisingly, I remain in substantive agreement with their recommendations.
Belgian Privacy Commission refers data breach case to Public Prosecutor
On April 29, 2013, the Belgian Privacy Commission announced that it referred a data breach case involving The National Belgian Railway Company to the Brussels Public Prosecutor. The data breach, which occurred in December 2012, resulted in the 1.46 million sets of customer data being made publicly available online. The Privacy Commission investigated the case…
Update: Biometric information of 14 lakh Aadhar applicants goes missing
So it seems it may not be 300,000 biometric national ID records lost, but 1.4 million….