Darren Pauli reports: More than 21,000 clear text passwords have been stolen from Australian surfwear icon Billabong and published online. The breach has yet to be confirmed. SC has notified the company’s IT desk and provided a link to the codepaste site where the details were uploaded. Billabong was previously unaware of the breach. Hacktivists released the credentials under…
Category: Non-U.S.
Filesharing Admin Arrested for Selling User Database
From Torrent Freak: Italian police have arrested the 49-old operator of a handful of file-sharing sites that were previously shut down. The man, known online under the pseudonym “Tex Willer”, allegedly made over half a million euros profit from the sites. Besides copyright infringement, tax evasion, forgery and fraud, he is also accused of selling…
Anonymous hack hands WikiLeaks TWO MILLION Syrian emails
Phil Muncaster reports: Hacktivist group Anonymous is claiming responsibility for an attack on the computer systems of the Syrian government and its evil overlord Bashar Assad thanks to which over two million emails ended up in the hands of whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks. As of last Thursday, the site began drip-feeding sections of the ‘Syria Files’…
AU: Did Stay Smart Online’s contractor lose your data?
Oops. A follower on Twitter DM’d me a link to this breach notification from Stay Smart Online, an initiative of the AU government: Notification of Subscriber Data Loss Dear Subscriber We are writing to notify you that the Department has been advised by a former external contractor that a DVD which included information provided by…
EU wants breach notification for certificate authorities
Stewart Mitchell reports: European authorities plan to clamp down on certificate authorities, demanding security signing organisations speak up if hit by hackers. Certificate authorities – either private or government backed – issue digital certificates that verify web pages and code, and are a key component of the web running smoothly and securely. But as last…
UK: Welcome Financial Services Limited Fined £150,000 After Backup Tapes With Customer Contact Info Lost
From the Information Commissioner’s Office: Organisations are learning the hard way of the consequences of mishandling people’s information – and others need to heed the lessons the Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, warned today at the launch of the ICO’s 2011/12 annual report. The Commissioner’s comments came as the ICO imposed a civil monetary penalty (CMP) of…