Personal details of more than 100,000 Bord Gais customers were on laptops stolen from the energy firm last month, significantly more than the 75,000 initially reported. Details of the full extent of the security breach are expected to emerge when the findings of an investigation into the laptop thefts are disclosed. Four laptops were stolen…
Category: Non-U.S.
Bits ‘n Pieces
In the justice system: A federal jury convicted Ronald Luis Bradshaw, a physician assistant, for his role in a $7.7 million Medicare fraud scheme. He was found guilty on all charged counts, including conspiracy to commit health care fraud, multiple counts of health fraud and aggravated identity theft for prescribing medically unnecessary durable medical equipment…
A Treasure Trove For Hackers
Forensics experts at the Dublin office of consultancy Ernst & Young have found evidence that prominent companies in Ireland are allowing home-based employees to download sensitive company and client data to their personal computers. Second-hand computer hard drives containing sensitive information – including hundreds of customer bank, Laser and credit-card account details, car registration information,…
JPN Considers Crackdown on Data Protection
A number of control failures at Japanese financial services firms, which occurred even after warnings were issued by the country’s regulators, has prompted Japan’s finance minister to suggest tougher enforcement penalties be introduced. In a recent speech, finance minister Kaoru Yosano said financial regulators might have to introduce tougher penalties for financial institutions that fail…
Stolen Malaysian CC Found in AU Raids
An elaborate fraud syndicate allegedly masterminded by a Sydney man has been brought down, after millions of dollars were spent using more than 1,200 fake credit cards, the Australian Associated Press reported. Personal information was stolen from card holders in Australia, Malaysia, Spain, and Britain, then allegedly used by the syndicate to manufacture fake credit…
Former Mitsubishi UFJ Manager Arrested
Tokyo police Thursday arrested a former manager at a brokerage who was fired for stealing personal data on nearly 1.5 million customers and selling some of the information to mailing list companies. Hideaki Kubo, 44, a former acting manager at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co.’s systems department, has admitted to the allegations of theft and illegal…