Rian from RedTeam Protection, a division of Tony Josephs and Sons Investigations Inc., just sent me another batch of p2p cockups that exposed personal — and in some cases — sensitive medical — information. In each case, RedTeam advised the entity and/or helped ensure removal of the filesharing application. Some of these breaches are more…
Category: Non-U.S.
UK: ICO takes enforcement action against Hastings and Rother PCT for data loss
From the press release (pdf) from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has taken enforcement action against Hastings and Rother Primary Care Trust (PCT) following a breach of the Data Protection Act. This is the eighth time the ICO has taken enforcement action against an NHS organisation for breaching the Data…
Ca: Privacy commissioner may investigate City of Regina privacy breach
Joe Couture reports: Contrary to statements made by a City of Regina executive, the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner has not yet decided whether or not to undertake a formal investigation into the breach of privacy announced by the city yesterday. Read more in the Leader-Post
UK: Busy Bees childcare voucher data leak plugged – Update
A UK child care voucher scheme has been taken off line after user Nick Gibbins found that the “web” application was exposing personal data for over one hundred thousand users. Gibbins found that the Busy Bees childcare voucher system was actually implemented using Citrix Metaframe, exporting the user interface from a Windows 2000 application to…
JP: Personal data of 4,210 students, teachers lost
An external hard disc containing the personal information of 4,210 people, including students’ academic records and the addresses of graduates and teachers, has been lost from Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School in Kyoto, the school announced Thursday. Believing the disc, which disappeared on Feb. 7, may have been stolen, Ritsumeikan filed a complaint with…
UK: Patients’ data lost near hospital
More than 1,000 patients of the Royal Bolton Hospital have been contacted after their personal details were lost near the hospital grounds. The hospital said the documents fell from a waste container which was taking them to be destroyed on 30 January. The documents contained the names, addresses and dates of birth of patients who…