Marco A. De Felice reports: On August 19, a computer attack made it necessary to block all computer systems by the IT technicians of the “ASL Città di Torino”. A ransomware-type attack that has affected and continues to affect the San Giovanni Bosco, Maria Vittoria, Martini and Oftalmico hospitals. The cyber attack was discovered by…
Category: Non-U.S.
UAE: Cybercriminal arrested for trying to embezzle Dh2.8 million in phishing scam
Afkar Ali Ahmed reports: The Sharjah Police have arrested a 32-year-old man who tried to embezzle Dh2.8 million after hacking an advertisement company’s bank account. The Asian suspect committed the cyber fraud through phishing, the police said. Lt.-Col. Muhammad bin Haider, acting head of the Buhaira Comprehensive Police Station, said the suspect was arrested within…
Pk: Tension within SECP escalates as it tries to downplay data breach
Umar Cheema reports: Sensitive data of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has allegedly been stolen which has resulted in a tug of war between the chairman and the relevant commissioner. The latter claims she was kept in dark about the breach. The commissioner has now written to the finance minister for independent…
UK: Officials’ personal info published online by government lawyers in ‘regrettable’ data leak
Tevye Markson reports: The Government Legal Department has launched an investigation after a data leak in which the names of civil servants claiming expenses was published online. Documents showing officials’ names were published on GOV.UK accidentally and stayed up for a week. The dossier showed credit-card spend at the department of more than £500 between…
UK: Major city car dealership hit by huge data theft cyber attack in July
Laura Watson reports: A Stoke-on-Trent car dealership which boasts more than 10,000 ‘satisfied customers’ has been hit by a major cyber attack. Holdcroft Motor Group, in Leek Road, Hanley, was targeted by hackers who are believed to have stolen years’ worth of data. StokeonTrentLive understands that the firm was hit with a demand for substantial…
‘I went to prison for the £77m TalkTalk hacking. I could be sent back for ordering a McDonalds’
Nicholas Fearn reports: As one of Britain’s most notorious cyber criminals, Daniel Kelley played a leading role in the 2015 TalkTalk data breach. The hack was catastrophic for the telecoms firm, resulting in a financial loss of £77 million (€90.7 million) and the stolen data of over 150,000 customers. Kelley would go on to spend…