Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael J. Driscoll, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today that MIHAI IONUT PAUNESCU, a/k/a “Virus,” a dual Romanian and Latvian national, was extradited from Colombia for allegedly running a…
Category: Non-U.S.
Anonymous mental health app Feelyou accidentally exposed 70,000 personal emails
Mikael Thalen reports Owned by the Japan-based company bajji, Feelyou is self-described as the first journaling and social mood tracking app. It allows users to share their feelings with others either publicly or anonymously. It’s tagline is, “It’s O.K. not to be O.K.” …. Up until last week, however, anyone could obtain the personal email addresses of…
Cn: Two hackers get arrested five days after their release for making $300,000 illegal profits
Global Times reports: Two hackers in Tongling, East China’s Anhui Province, were arrested by local police after they had been released from prison for only five days and made 2 million yuan($300,000) in illegal profits. The local police had lately discovered that the backend data of a company in its jurisdiction had been hacked, and…
South Korean call taxi system paralyzed by ransomware attack, company pays ransom to get decryptor
Ahn Ho-cheon reports (machine translation follows): A company operating a ‘call taxi system’ in most cities and counties in Gangwon-do was attacked by a hacking attack, and call taxi calls through smartphone apps were blocked. It was found that the call system was paralyzed in parts of Busan, Gyeonggi, Gyeongbuk, and Jeonnam in addition to Gangwon…
Recent decisions by the Data Protection Commissioner of Singapore
Recent decisions by the Data Protection Commissioner of Singapore include the following: Directions were issued to Crawfort Pte to conduct a security audit of its technical and administrative arrangements for its AWS S3 environment and rectify any security gaps identified in the audit report. This is pursuant to a data breach incident where Crawfort’s customer…
Israel’s Health Ministry website down after Iranian cyberattack
Adir Yanko and Itamar Eichner report: A group of hackers affiliated with Iran carried out a cyberattack on the website of the Health Ministry on Sunday, intermittently restricting access to the site from abroad. Pro-Iranian group Al-Tahira claimed responsibility for the DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack, which disrupts a website’s normal traffic by overwhelming the target…