December 14, 2021 – St. John’s, NL: Eastern Health advises the public that the ongoing investigation into the cyber-attack that impacted health-care information technology (IT) systems across the province has determined that some additional personal information and personal health information was impacted. The updated information regarding the breach related to Eastern Health patients, as well…
Category: Non-U.S.
Za: Standard Bank on delay in telling public about data breach: ‘We complied with the law’
Londiwe Buthelezi reports: Standard Bank says it took several days to disclose the latest data breach on its LookSee platform because its immediate focus was to get to the bottom of the issue first and understand how serious it was. The banking group informed the public on 9 December that homeowners’ data was compromised by…
Darknet operators of “cyber bunker” convicted and sentenced in Germany
An important case out of Germany in the news there, as machine translated by Google, below. From DerStandard: A good two years after the “cyber bunker” on the Moselle was blown up, there were 227 follow-up proceedings against customers of the illegal data center for criminal transactions in the Darknet. Most of them had to be…
Świętokrzyskie: Personal data leaked from the commune office in Nowiny
Eric Wilson reports that the municipality was hit with a ransomware attack: The announcement was published on the office’s website and in social media. According to the information published by the office, one of the employees was accidental opened an infected link that launched the malware and encrypted the server. The administrator found out about the…
Canadian federal privacy commissioner says BMO security breach in 2017 affected 113,000 client accounts
James Bradshaw reports: A 2017 data breach that exposed personal information belonging to more than 113,000 Bank of Montreal customers exploited “significant weaknesses” in the bank’s safeguards that have since been strengthened, according to a report from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. BMO previously disclosed the breach in May, 2018, after receiving a ransom demand…
Brazilian Ministry of Health suffers cyberattack and COVID-19 vaccination data vanishes
Angelica Mari reports: Websites under Brazil’s Ministry of Health (MoH) have suffered a major ransomware attack that resulted in the unavailability of COVID-19 vaccination data of millions of citizens. Following that attack that took place at around 1 am today, all of MoH’s websites including ConecteSUS, which tracks the trajectory of citizens in the public…