Heise Online reports (translated): Almost a year after the momentous hacker attack on the Düsseldorf University Hospital, the investigators have no hot lead to the perpetrators. The investigations continued, however, because, among other things, responses to requests for legal assistance to authorities in several countries were pending, said a spokesman for the responsible public prosecutor’s…
Category: Non-U.S.
700,000 French pharmacy Covid test results left publicly available
Ellie Fullalove reports (machine translation follows): A data leak involving an online platform used to transfer data from antigen tests carried out at pharmacies to the government platform SI-DEP has made 700,000 covid test results public, along with personal information. The platform known as Francetest was alerted to the bug in its system by the…
VaxiCode flaw: Quebec refused to give immunity to the whistleblower
Thomas Gerbet reports (machine translation follows): Contrary to what the Minister of Digital Transformation, Eric Caire, said, the Quebec government has never offered immunity to the computer scientist who discovered the security flaw in the VaxiCode health passport application. Exchanges of emails obtained by Radio-Canada reveal the underside of this affair and show that the…
Singapore adds a third bug bounty program – this time to fortify government digital services
Laura Dobberstein reports: Singapore’s governmental digital services arm, GovTech, has launched a “rewards programme” to further crowdsource tests of the nation’s cybersecurity. The Vulnerability Rewards Programme (VRP) joins the Government Bug Bounty Programme (GBBP) and the Vulnerability Disclosure Programme (VDP), all of which work alongside the government’s own security checks. Read more on The Register.
Switzerland: Citizen and municipality data published on Darknet
MRT reports: At the end of May, the municipal administration of the tranquil town of Rolle in French-speaking Switzerland was the victim of a cyber attack. This became known to the public recently through research on the news portal watson.ch. The result of the attack: The data of all residents and other documents have been…
Indian companies go scot-free despite breach of customer data
Vishal Raghavan has an opinion piece in The Leaflet about the failure of Indian firms to notify customers of breaches or to be held accountable and fined monetarily by regulators. He begins by reviewing a number of high-profile breaches reported in the last year or so, and the notes that all of the companies didn’t…