Eirian Jane Prosser reports: OXFORD City Council have apologised to residents after a ‘computer error’ caused a potential data breach over rent statements. The apology comes after locals raised the alarm of the potential breach after they recieved the wrong rent statement in the post. Read more on Oxford Mail.
Category: Non-U.S.
Ke: Our database has never been hacked, says IEBC
Nixon Kanali reports: Kenya’s electoral body the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has dismissed claims that its database had been hacked. Reports reported by a section of the media had indicated that someone had gained access into the commission’s database and acquired personal details of registered voters from a country in Western Kenya. The…
Italian hosting firm Aruba.it defends data breach notification delay
John Leyden reports: Italian web hosting firm Aruba.it has admitted a recent data breach amid complaints from some customers that it was slow in notifying them about a problem. In an Italian-language message to customers sent out last week – a copy of which has ben obtained by The Daily Swig – the hosting firm said that a breach…
How many leaks have there been of Mexico’s voter database?
A recent listing on a popular forum claimed to be offering the entire Mexican voter database for 2021 — 91 million records. The data was formatted with the following fields: “CVE”,,”NOMBRE”,”PATERNO”,”MATERNO”,”FECNAC”,”SEXO”, “CALLE”,”INT”,”EXT”,”COLONIA”,”CP”,”E”,”D”,”M”,”S”,”L”, “MZA”,”CONSEC”,”CRED”,”FOLIO”,”NAC”,”CURP” In response to the listing, Alon Gal (@UndertheBreach) commented on Twitter that this was the second breach involving Mexico’s Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE)….
Hackers Penetrated Iran’s Railroad Computers Long Before July Attack
Iran International reports: One week after cyber attack on Iran’s ministry of roads and the railroad system, an information security office at the presidential administration reported on Sunday that hackers had penetrated the computer systems at least a month earlier. A system-wide disruption in the computer network of Iran’s railroads due to a cyberattack on July 9 disrupted…
Jm: Staff, patients concerned about data breach at university hospital
Jovan Johnson reports: Loose network and cybersecurity with the problem-plagued Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) that’s gobbling up millions in cost overruns has exposed to hackers thousands of patient data at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), a Sunday Gleaner investigation has found. Although Advanced Integrated Systems (AIS), which is implementing the project that’s four…