Gugu Lourie reports: On the 31st of August 2023, the Information Regulator took action by issuing an Enforcement Notice against Dis-Chem, due to their non-compliance with several provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA). In the timeline of events, it was revealed that during the months of April and May in 2022, a…
Category: Non-U.S.
One month later, Ranhill still hasn’t fully recovered from cyberattack
On July 26, DataBreaches reported that DESORDEN had attacked Ranhill Utilities Berhad, a provider of water and power supply in Malaysia. At the time, DESORDEN claimed, in part: The initial data breach was initiated on Nov 2021. For over 18 months, DESORDEN has been in their systems. On 17th July 2023, our group infiltrated their…
Za: How hacker stole R600K from Eastern Cape schools
Last week, the Specialised Commercial Crime Court of East London, Eastern Cape, handed down a prison sentence of three years to a hacker who stole just under R600 000 from the province’s education department. The crime took place in 2013, when Bruce Owen, in his thirties at the time, broke into the inner workings of…
NL: Security breach at land registry exposes millions of addresses
Dutch News reports: A data breach at the Dutch land registry Kadaster has exposed the addresses of every homeowner in the Netherlands, an investigation by RTL Nieuws has found. The privacy watchdog AP called for the agency to close the loophole immediately after it was discovered by journalists. The Kadaster’s website includes a search facility…
Jp: Medical organizations and IT vendors “should bear part of the cyber damage”.
[Translation:] A document released on August 24 by the Japan Medical Association Policy Research Institute (Nichi-Isouken), which aims to plan medical policy, is causing controversy on SNS. Regarding contracts and responsibility sharing between medical institutions and system vendors, based on the “principle of good faith”, if the vendor’s risk explanation is insufficient, the medical institution…
Hackers bring down Poland’s train network in massive cyber attack
Ticker News reports: Polish intelligence agencies are currently conducting an investigation into a cyberattack that targeted the country’s railway infrastructure, according to reports from Polish media. The incident, which occurred overnight, involved hackers gaining unauthorized access to railway frequencies, resulting in disruptions to train services in the northwestern region of Poland. The Polish Press Agency…