Snatch Team has recently been exploring some novel uses of Telegram. Unlike other groups that use Telegram mainly to list new leaks, Snatch is providing commentaries and analyses of their breaches and more educational materials for readers. Some of their commentaries on specific incidents can be fodder for any lawsuits against the companies or entities…
Category: Non-U.S.
Two more attacks involving sensitive data: a plastic surgery center in Brazil and a psychiatric hospital in Lithuania
Although it’s impossible for DataBreaches to really monitor for attacks on medical entities around the world, here are two non-U.S. ones recently spotted that both involve sensitive data. Plastic Surgery Practice in Brazil This week, DataBreaches spotted a listing for data from a Brazilian plastic surgery practice. The seller, who calls himself “TheSnake,” claims to…
Police officer loses laptop and notebook as he drives along motorway after leaving them on roof of his car in fourth data breach by single police force
Katherine Lawton reports: A police officer lost his laptop and notebook as he drove along the motorway after leaving them on the roof of his car – in the fourth data breach by a single force. The PSNI said it is investigating after a senior officer revealed sections of the lost notebook remain outstanding. Read more…
ShopBack fined S$74,400 for data breach of over a million users
Zhao Yifan reports a follow-up to an incident previously noted on this site. Ecommerce Enablers, which operates the online shopping service platform ShopBack, was fined S$74,400 for its failure to safeguard users’ personal data. The data breach incident happened on Sep 9, 2020 when a malicious threat actor accessed Ecommerce Enablers’ storage server with a…
Hackers threaten publishing sensitive medical data on politicians, Haredi leaders
Daniela Ginzburg reports: The hacker group that has claimed responsibility for the breach at the Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center in central Israel earlier this month has issued an ultimatum to the facility, threatening to reveal sensitive medical files that include the prime minister, MKs, senior rabbis, and other known figures in the Haredi word if…
Three managers picked up; 2 others invited for breaching Ghana data protection law
GNA reports: Three managers were arrested on Monday by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service for breaching the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843). The three institutions are Hisense, an electronic goods dealership, Marwako Fast Foods and Agyabeng Akrasi and Co Limited, a law firm….