Olivia Carville reports: Ontario’s privacy commissioner is calling for the two health professionals who allegedly snooped into former mayor Rob Ford’s medical records to face prosecution. If the duo is convicted, this would mark the first successful prosecution under the province’s health privacy law, which came into force more than a decade ago. Read more…
Category: Non-U.S.
SG: Details of more than 1,900 pupils from Henry Park Primary School leaked
Irene Tham reports an e-mail gaffe exposed the data of Singapore students: The personal data of more than 1,900 pupils from Henry Park Primary School was leaked two weeks ago, in the second such case reported here since patrons of karaoke chain K Box had their details exposed last September. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing…
Ca: Wiseman says relax on security breach
There’s a follow-up or update to a breach previously noted on this site. In the House of Assembly, Liberal MHA Paul Lane raised the issue of a report in The Weekend Telegram. A former government security analyst told The Telegram about a security breach discovered in June 2013, connected to “botnet” servers in Eastern Europe…
Ca: Some 5,600 privacy breaches in federal government in 2014: documents
Bea Vongdouuangchanh reports: There were 5,600 privacy breaches in the federal government in 2014, affecting almost 44,000 individuals, according to data ministers tabled in the House of Commons on March 23. According to the 2013 (sic) annual report from the privacy commissioner, there were 426 complaints received. This includes all complaints from departments and the…
UK: Children’s details lost and sent to wrong place by Derby City Council employees
The Derby Telegraph reports: Derby children’s personal details have been lost and posted to the wrong address this year by city council staff. The paper filed under freedom of information and found out more about the Derby City Council‘s breaches over the past 12 months. Incidents included: a lost notepad containing details of cases “review…
Ca: Anne Bertrand raps health department over medicare card breach
Catherine Harrop reports: New Brunswick’s privacy commissioner has reprimanded the Department of Health for failing to adequately test its massive medicare data system following a 2011 overhaul. A technical failure resulted in 114 medicare cards being sent to the wrong addresses and 24 households receiving multiple cards, some belonging to other families. The error meant…