David Gilbert reports: TalkTalk, the U.K.-based telecoms company, has admitted that it has suffered its third major cyberattack in the last 12 months with data from its 4 million customers compromised by hackers in a “significant and sustained attack” on its website. In the wake of the admission by TalkTalk, the company’s shares on the London Stock…
Category: Of Note
“Weev” obtains, leaks 11 undercover Planned Parenthood videos blocked by court
LifeSiteNews reports: The website GotNews.com claims it has obtained and released “all” the remaining undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials shot by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), including videos that were blocked from being released to the public by a court order. Eleven previously unseen videos have been uploaded to YouTube. The website’s founder,…
Aspen Way Enterprises and Aaron’s Inc. lose coverage in privacy breach case
Yelitza V. Dunham of Winston & Strawn LLP writes: A group of Liberty Mutual insurance companies successfully obtained declaratory relief that they had no duty to defend Aspen Way Enterprises and Aaron’s Inc. from two underlying actions alleging that spyware had been installed on rent-to-own computers. One of these, the Byrd Action, was a putative class action…
Security researchers face wrath of spy agencies
Darren Pauli reports: Researchers tasked with revealing attacks by intelligence agencies are being harassed, locked out of tenders, and in some cases deported, Kaspersky researcher Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade says. Retaliation by the unnamed agencies is in direct response to news of prominent advanced-persistent threat campaigns that have coloured information security reporting over recent years. Those…
Theft At U. Washington Leaves Human Rights Workers On Edge
Jennifer Wing reports: The theft of a computer and hard-drive containing the names and stories of people who survived the war in El Salvador has human rights workers on edge. The break-in happened in Smith Hall, in the offices of the University of Washington’s Center for Human Rights, or CHR. UW’s Campus Police Department says…
FL: Osceola County children’s personal information posted online
WFTV reports that they’ve uncovered an error that exposed personal information of children in Osceola County online. Reyes found names for every child charged in [court cases in the state] and names of children in foster care in Osceola County. The children’s names in juvenile court cases are supposed to be confidential and seemingly should not have been…