Aliya Sternstein reports: New sweeping defense contractor rules on hack notifications take effect today, adding to a flurry of Pentagon IT security policies issued in recent years. Just this month, the Office of Management and Budget proposed guidelines to homogenize the way vendors secure data governmentwide. The Defense Department had already released three other policies that dictate how military vendors…
Category: Of Note
Aviva ‘revenge’ phone hacker jailed for 18 months
BBC reports: A man has been jailed for 18 months for hacking into 900 phones belonging to the insurance company Aviva. Richard Neale, 40, pleaded guilty to carrying out the attack as revenge after falling out with colleagues. He was previously a director at Esselar, a company contracted by Aviva to run its security network….
FTC claims victory in Wyndham case; Appellate court upholds authority to enforce data security
Commissioner Julie Brill of the FTC has claimed victory in Wyndham’s appeal in the Third Circuit: Big news: FTC wins Third Circuit Wyndham appeal. Inadequate data security can be unfair under FTC Act & companies have adequate notice. — Julie Brill (@JulieBrillFTC) August 24, 2015 “Big news: FTC wins Third Circuit Wyndham appeal. Inadequate data…
Ashley Madison Hackers Speak Out: ‘Nobody Was Watching’
Joseph Cox of Motherboard got the exclusive interview of the week – with Impact Team, the hackers behind the hack. Here’s a snippet of the email interview: MOTHERBOARD: How did you hack Avid Life Media? Was it hard? The Impact Team: We worked hard to make fully undetectable attack, then got in and found nothing…
Chaffetz wants answers from US-CERT, OPM on hack
Adam Mazmanian reports that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is asking some very specific questions of OPM and US-CERT: Chaffetz wants US-CERT, a unit of the Department of Homeland Security, to report on when it was first contacted by OPM to report the breach, and any reporting or analysis on the nature of…
Second Ashley Madison data dump, bigger than the first, lays bare their source code
As if it couldn’t get any worse for Avid Life Media, a second data dump has been released on the dark web. This one appears to contain all of CEO Noel Biderman’s emails and the source code for their web sites. As Trusted Sec notes on their blog: if this turns out to be legitimate…