Yesterday, in commenting on the Bike Waiter breach, I wisely thought to contact Big Tree Solutions to inquire whether any of their other clients were affected by the breach reported by Bike Waiter. Big Tree Solutions did not respond to my e-mail inquiry, but today, I find that San Diego-based Bring It To Me is…
Category: Of Note
California sues Kaiser over data breach
Tish Kraft reports an update to a breach previously reported on this blog: California’s attorney general sued Kaiser for unfair competition related to 20,539 employee Social Security numbers being found on a hard drive sold at a thrift store. Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, on behalf of the people of California, sued Kaiser Foundation Health…
Update: Neiman-Marcus reports breach involved two related malware insertions
In a letter dated January 25 to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, retailer Neiman-Marcus disclosed some additional details concerning the breach and their attempts to address consumer concerns. As previously reported, in mid-December, Neiman-Marcus learned from its merchant processor of unauthorized payment card activity following purchases at Neiman-Marcus stores. On January 1, Neiman-Marcus learned,…
Five steps to take if you’ve become a victim of ID theft
Over on, Kimberly Rotter wrote a tips article, “5 Steps to Take Immediately If You’ve Been a Victim of Identity Theft.” The article was also reproduced on Lifehacker. To briefly summarize the article, it lists some examples of identity theft and then recommends the following five actions (with additional info on each of the following):…
Michaels Stores reports possible card breach
Brian Krebs has the scoop again. This time it’s Michaels Stores (yes, them again) that may have had a security breach. Read more on Having had the story start to leak out earlier, Michaels has now issued a statement: Michaels Stores, Inc. (the “Company” or “Michaels”) recently learned of possible fraudulent activity on some U.S….
FBI warns retailers to expect more credit card breaches
The FBI has warned U.S. retailers to prepare for more cyber attacks after discovering about 20 hacking cases in the past year that involved the same kind of malicious software used against Target Corp in the holiday shopping season. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation distributed a confidential, three-page report to retail companies last week…