From the it-was-inevitable-department: A customer in California has filed a potential class action lawsuit against Adobe Systems in federal court for the Northern District of California. It appears to be the first one filed, although I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last. In any event, it’s worth a blog post at least. I know,…
Category: Of Note
Transcript of Oral Argument in FTC v. Wyndham
Cross-posted from the mother ship, I splurged and purchased a copy of the transcript of Thursday’s oral argument in FTC v. Wyndham . You can download it here (PDF, 561kB, 186 pp.). Consider it an early holiday gift from to you. I look forward to reading everyone’s reactions after we’ve all had time to read it. I… goes above and beyond to protect customers (update 3)
A customer kindly sent me a copy of the e-mail he received from them today: From: <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:09 PM Subject: An Important Message Regarding Your Account To: [redacted] Hello [redacted] This is an important message from At we take your security and privacy very seriously….
Snowden persuaded other NSA workers to give up passwords – sources
Mark Hosenball and Warren Strobel report that Edward Snowden successfully socially engineered employees at the NSA into giving him their login credentials: Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden used login credentials and passwords provided unwittingly by colleagues at a spy base in Hawaii to access some of the classified material he leaked to…
A good day for the FTC in federal court?
I didn’t get to Newark for oral argument on Wyndham’s motion to dismiss the FTC’s complaint about their data security, but from early media coverage tonight, it sounds like things went pretty well for the FTC. From the quotes provided in coverage by the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Businessweek, it sounds like Judge Salas…
SuperValu warns customers of data breach (update 4 with numbers, Stena Line, other countries also affected, statement from Loyaltybuild)
Conor Pope reports: SuperValu has been forced to contact thousands of customers who have bought its “getaway breaks” after a security breach at the company that oversees the scheme left sensitive financial data potentially compromised. The “getaway breaks” vouchers are a key loyalty reward programme run by the US-owned company Loyaltybuild, which is based in Co…