Craig Hoffman writes: Global Payments, which processes credit card transactions, announced on March 30, 2012 that an unauthorized person gained access to a portion of its processing system. Global Payments later disclosed that Track 2 data (card number, expiration date, verification code but not cardholder name or address) of 1.5 million cardholders were taken. Three…
Category: Of Note
Looking back at 2012 Data Breaches: RBS and OSF release QuickView report
Risk Based Security and the Open Security Foundation released a report this morning, Data Breach QuickView: An Executive’s Guide to Data Breach Trends in 2012. The report summarizes some of the major statistics for 2012, based on analysis of the incidents compiled in OSF’s DataLossDB. As most readers know by now, I am involved in…
EU proposes new cybercrime reporting rules
BBC reports: Over 40,000 firms, including energy providers, banks and hospitals could be required to report cyber-break-ins under new rules proposed by the EU. It is part of a move to intensify global efforts to fight cybercrime. Digital agenda commissioner Neelie Kroes said that Europe needed to improve how it dealt with cybersecurity. But firms…
10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s School District on Data Privacy Day 2013
The following is cross-posted from For Data Privacy Day 2013 on January 28, I’ve tried to compile a list of questions parents should ask their child’s school district about how their child’s personal information is protected. Send your letter to your district’s Superintendent with a cc: to your district’s Board of Education: Dear ________:…
FTC settles charges against Cord Blood Registry over data breach
Back in December 2010, a computer belonging to Cord Blood Registry (CBR) and a backup tape with customers’ information was stolen from an employee’s unattended vehicle. The breach was disclosed in February 2011, and I covered it on this blog, here. Today, the FTC announced that it had settled charges against CBR over the breach….
Sony fined £250,000 after millions of UK gamers’ details compromised in 2011 Playstation hack
It was one of the biggest hacks of 2011 from a media standpoint, and at least some of those involved were subsequently arrested. But Sony’s woes from the hack are not over and it has now been hit with the biggest monetary penalty ever issued by the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office for a data breach….