Confidential data from Derriford Hospital has been lost or stolen 17 times during the past two years, health chiefs have admitted. The theft of seven hospital laptops, patient blood results being sent to the wrong address and members of the public accessing sensitive files are among data problems recorded since January 2007. The hospital revealed…
Category: Theft
Holy ID theft! Victim is bishop of Brooklyn
Alison Gendar and William Sherman report: Thieves stooped to a new low over the Christmas holiday, swiping the identity of Brooklyn’s Catholic bishop in an attempted credit card scam. The crooks learned Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s Social Security number and birth date and used the information to apply for credit cards, Diocese of Brooklyn spokesman the…
Stolen CreditTek laptop contained data on 68,857 DJO patients
When a Creditek, LLC employee went on vacation to the Bahamas, he took his work laptop with him. The laptop, which contained personal and medical information on 68,857 patients of orthopedic products supplier DJO, LLC, was stolen from the home in which the employee was staying. According to a notification sent to New Hampshire’s Attorney…
Five recent Merrill Lynch security breaches you probably didn’t know about
As if the financial sector wasn’t in enough of tailspin recently, Merrill Lynch reported at least five security breaches during the last quarter of 2008. Reports filed by the firm with several states attorney general reveal that: On September 3, the company reported a lost laptop containing personally identifiable information to New York State. That…
Stolen RoadSafe Traffic Systems laptops put employee data at risk
RoadSafe‘s home page proclaims, “At RoadSafe, we are focused on roadway safety. Protecting people and property.” It is somewhat ironic, then, that RoadSafe employees had their data stolen on the road. As reported to the New Hampshire Attorney General on November 26th: On November 11, 2008, a laptop belonging to a RoadSafe employee was stolen…
Concern at 16 cases of lost Assembly data
Tom Bodden reports: THE Welsh Assembly Government has confirmed that 16 cases of official data have been lost or stolen in the last three years. Ten of the losses of material, classed as “medium to low risk”, took place this year, according to details released under the Freedom of Information Act. Missing information deemed “medium…