Add the ENT and Allergy Center in Arkansas to the list of covered entities notifying patients of a breach involving Bizmatics, Inc. In a statement dated May 31, that is linked from their web site, Stephen Cashman, M.D., states that the practice was initially notified of the incident in January, 2016. But, “At that time, Bizmatics could…
Category: Subcontractor
Walmart vendor error exposed limited patient information
Walmart, who reported a breach involving pharmacy records in March, has disclosed another breach to HHS. This one, reported June 8, reportedly affected 27,393 patients. Thankfully, it does not seem to have exposed particularly sensitive information. asked Walmart for a statement describing the incident, and received the following statement: Recently, we learned that the company…
Update on Chicago employees’ retirement account breach
You may have missed it in the crush of other news this week, but I had noted that Nationwide Retirement Solutions is investigating how the retirement accounts of 91 Chicago municipal employees were breached earlier this month. Today, Karin Price Mueller of has an update that suggests this was not a hack, but data theft to obtain…
IL: Officials investigate breach of retirement accounts
John Kass and William Lee report: Officials with insurance and financial services giant Nationwide are working with city and federal officials to learn how the retirement accounts of 91 municipal employees were breached earlier this month. Workers with Nationwide Retirement Solutions noticed “suspicious activity” with some 457 deferred compensation accounts for municipal employees similar to…
Insurance agents in Virginia may have had personal data stolen
Kimberley Pierceall reports: If you sold insurance in Virginia but your license lapsed or expired between 1979 and 2004, a state agency suspects your personal information may have been stolen. Virginia’s State Corporation Commission says a former contractor for the agency may have copied insurance agent files that included names, Social Security numbers or driver’s…
Two more medical groups notifying patients of Bizmatics security incident
Unbelievable. Entities are still first notifying patients of the Bizmatics, Inc. breach. The North Ottawa Community Health System says it is erring on the side of caution following notification that the third-party electronic medical record company it uses for primary care patients might have had its computer servers breached. NOCHS spokeswoman Jen VanSkiver said the…