PLS Financial is notifying customers that a programming error by an unnamed web site operator exposed their personal information to other site users. The programming error, which occurred on July 11, allowed loan applicants to potentially view a restricted part of the site containing names, postal and e-mail addresses, and Social Security numbers. During the…
Category: Subcontractor
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi notifies employees after AON Hewitt e-mail gaffe discloses their information
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi recently notified some employees that their names and Social Security numbers had been erroneously emailed by their vendor AON Hewitt to another client of AON Hewitt. The email error occurred on August 2 and employees were notified on September 3. Although the risk analysis indicated a very low risk of misuse,…
Paymast’r Services notifies customers after service provider’s site hacked
Paymast’r Services, part of FSV Payment Systems in Florida, is notifying consumers about a breach involving an unnamed service provider. The unauthorized access to the provider’s site occurred in July and was discovered on August 2. In an unsigned letter to those affected, they write: Paymast’r Services provided you with a PaychekPLUS! payroll card (your…
WA: Pierce County Housing Authority notifying Section 8 housing wait list residents after data breach
King5 staff report: The Pierce County Housing Authority is conducting an investigation into a security breach that impacts all the people on the county’s wait list for Section 8 housing. The staff does not yet know how it happened, but the names and social security numbers of all the people on the wait list appeared…
VA: Personal data for 13,000 state workers inadvertently released
Annie McCallum reports: Personal data for 13,000 state employees was inadvertently sent to 11 state human resource and payroll employees. The personal information included employee names and Social Security numbers, according to a statement from Anne Waring, Virginia Department of Human Resource Management communications manager. The department was notified by Conexis, Anthem’s subcontractor for Flexible…
IE: Data breach involving payments to current and former IBRC staff
A personal data breach at the former Anglo Irish Bank has seen letters and payments sent to the wrong people with dozens of current and former employees at the liquidated bank affected. The special liquidators at the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC), KPMG, have confirmed a personal data breach involving cheques that were “misdirected” to…