Jana Winter of Fox News reports that the Secret Service – the agency that is often involved in investigations of data breaches – had its own breach back in 2008 that is now (finally?) under investigation: The Secret Service is the target of an investigation into an “immense breach” involving the loss of two backup computer…
Category: Subcontractor
IE: Investigation into possible data breach at 02
Irish mobile phone carrier O2 may have had a breach involving customer data. Or not. It seems they’re not really sure what was on a missing backup tape. And I’m not sure I understand why they first told this summer that a tape went missing in September 2011. And of course I’m not sure I…
FTC Finalizes Settlements with Two Businesses that Exposed Consumers Sensitive Information Over P2P Networks
From the FTC, a follow-up to a previously-reported action: Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has accepted as final settlements with two operations it charged with illegally exposing the sensitive personal information of thousands of consumers by allowing peer-to-peer file-sharing software to be installed on their corporate computer systems. Settlements with Utah-based debt…
Follow-up: Victim of Port Mann security breach speaks out
More on the Port Mann Bridge breach noted previously on this blog where someone with a criminal record managed to get a job by false pretenses that enabled him to acquire customers’ personal information, including credit card numbers: One of the Port Mann Bridge users whose tolling accounts were allegedly handled by a convicted fraud…
Follow-up: Army slow in contacting data breach victims
Joe Gould reports: The Army has been slow to inform 31 soldiers who received the Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross, or their families, that the recipients’ Social Security numbers were posted online. More than a week after the breach was made public, eight recipients of the DSC, the military’s second highest award for…
B.C.: Security breach triggers warning to some toll bridge users
Jeff Nagel reports: More than 270 drivers who have just registered for the new Port Mann Bridge tolling system are being warned a privacy breach may have compromised their accounts. An unauthorized employee who got the job in the Coquitlam service centre under false pretences and took the registrations of affected drivers by phone was…