The GAA [Gaelic Athletic Association – Dissent] has confirmed that the personal details of over 500,000 members have been compromised following a data breach. Servasport, which maintains the GAA database, revealed that there had been ‘unauthorised access’ to its database. The database contains the names and addresses of 501,786 members. Details include 288,511 dates of…
Category: Subcontractor
OK: Hundreds of personal documents found in dumpster
A Tulsa business finds hundreds of documents in its dumpster. […] The documents contained all sorts of personal information, dating as far back as 2004 and as early as 2009. Probst managed to save 96 of them before sanitation workers came by and emptied the dumpster. “Blank checks, social security cards, id’s, bank statements, telephone…
Chili’s Says Club Members’ Personal Data Was Leaked
Phil Villarreal writes: In a mass message sent out to its “e-mail club” subscribers, Chili’s revealed its service provider sprung a leak in user data, letting loyalists know first and last names, email addresses and birthdates went up for grabs. […] We are contacting you because the service provider (InterMundo Media) for the Chili’s e-mail…
Monadnock Community Bank notifies customers of third party breach
Monadnock Community Bank, who reported a somewhat strange situation to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office in September, filed another breach report this month. According to its letter dated November 9, MCB’s card processor notified it that an unnamed third party payment service provider’s network had a data breach involving customer information, including debit card…
How do you say, “Maybe we shouldn’t have stored your credit card data” in Japanese?
The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles recently notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office of a security incident involving an unnamed vendor who hosts their web site at According the October 21 letter filed by their attorneys, on September 18, JFLA discovered that the names, dates of birth and credit card information for those…
WI: Former Adecco employee implicated in ID thefts of Milwaukee County workers
A former contracted employee for the Milwaukee County human resources department faces an identify theft charge – and so does her boyfriend. 26-year-old Starlita Sims and 25-year-old Christopher Lee Jackson are each charged with one felony count. But Sheriff David Clarke said Monday that the couple is suspected of stealing the identities of over 30…