This seems like a good time to thank everyone who has been reading this blog, and especially those who submit items to share with others. May you all have a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2015!
Category: Uncategorized
NV: Storage unit reveals abandoned medical files. But wait, there's more….
Glen Meek reports that confidential patient records were found in an abandoned storage unit that was put up for auction. It’s certainly not the first time we’ve heard this kind of story, but this one has some unusual aspects to it. Meek reports: The records come from a now-defunct Henderson diagnostic center that was run…
China Stresses Privacy Protection of AIDS Children
Seen on The Women of China site: Chinese authorities have stressed privacy protection for AIDS-affected children and may punish those found leaking private information. No institutions or individuals shall publish information such as the name, address, school, portrait or medical records of children infected with or impacted by HIV without the approval of their guardians, according…
Yet another California entity notifies patients of a laptop stolen from a car. #SHEESH
Oh, for pity’s sake (you can substitute more colorful language if you are so inclined). DJO Global has sent out a notification about the theft of a backpack from a DJO consultant’s car on November 7 in Roseville, Minnesota. The backpack contained a laptop computer that had password protection (but not any encryption). For some…
Australians may forgo online mental health help under new metadata laws
Ben Westcott reports: Innovative Australian online mental health providers could be deserted by clients under the government’s controversial new metadata laws. One of the developers of a widely used Canberra-based online mental health program said the new policy would affect the site’s ability to provide anonymity and freedom from stigma. But the Attorney-General’s Department said…
Physicians Skin & Weight Centers notifies patients after laptop and hard drive stolen from employee's car
It’s not up on HHS’s public breach tool nor on their own web site, but a copy of the following notice from Physicians Skin & Weight Centers was sent to the California Attorney General’s web site: To past and current patients of Physicians Skin & Weight Centers, Inc: On November 4, 2014, an employee’s vehicle was…