On February 28, The Hartford detected that a virus had infected their Windows-based servers. The virus had the potential to capture personal information involved in online transactions including bank account numbers, Social Security Numbers, user account logins/passwords, and credit card numbers. By letter dated March 10 to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, The Hartford…
Category: U.S.
Blumenthal asks for Epsilon investigation
I knew I’d enjoy seeing what Senator Blumenthal would do on consumer privacy issues now that he’s in the Senate. Hayley Tsukayama reports: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said that he has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting an investigation into the Epsilon data leak that affected millions of consumers this week. In…
US Airways Pilots Express Outrage over Data Theft
A press release from the U.S. Airlines Pilots Association reminds us yet again how labor disputes may increase the risk of a privacy breach or data breach: The pilots of US Airways, represented by the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA), today expressed their outrage at the airline’s acknowledgement that its management personnel aided in unauthorized…
CORRECTED: When was Epsilon breached?
Curiouser and curiouser. TripAdvisor.com reported a breach on March 24. At the time, some sources suggested it was a SQL injection, although I mentioned that there was some possibility it was due to a breach at an email service provider. Now TripAdvisor.com has sent out notices that they have been affected by the Epsilon breach….
WV: Identity theft plagues Kanawha Valley
Jared Hunt reports from West Virginia: Federal officials are investigating an identity theft scheme that has been draining the bank accounts of Kanawha Valley residents in recent weeks. Officials are urging residents to vigilantly check their credit and bank statements to make sure they haven’t been hit by this latest scheme. Ron Layton, resident agent…
Applied Micro Circuits math: Laptop with unencrypted SSN + car = Breach notifications
Applied Micro Circuits Corporation recently notified some of its current and former employees that a laptop with their names and Social Security Numbers was stolen from an employee’s car. In a letter to those affected dated March 23, the technology firm indicated that the theft occurred on February 23. In one of the oddest things…