Tim Greene reports: A blogger helping to tune a friend’s wi-fi network uncovered a gaping security hole in Wi-Fi cable modem routers installed in 64,000 Time Warner subscribers’ homes, leaving them open to attack. Time Warner says that within the past week it has patched the problem until the manufacturer can provide a permanent fix,…
Category: U.S.
AmEx scammer pleads guilty
Alexsandr Bernik, 28, of Roseville, California pleaded guilty yesterday in federal court to two counts of wire fraud relating to a scheme to extract funds from American Express cardholders by assessing small fraudulent charges on thousands of American Express cards. This case is the product of a joint investigation by the United States Secret Service…
FL: Personal Info Dumped, Left For ID Crooks To Recycle
Greg Pallone reports: Thousands of names in hundreds of pages of city collections reports from 1998 were found in a newspaper and recycling bin behind the Palm Bay Community Center late last week. They contain names, addresses, phone numbers, delinquent amounts owed, plus driver’s license and social security numbers. […] Deputy City Manager Sue Hann,…
KY: Bullitt school employees’ Social Security numbers mistakenly released
Sara Cunningham reports: A Bullitt County Public Schools employee accidentally sent an e-mail message to about 1,800 school district workers Tuesday that included the names and Social Security numbers of 676 district employees. […] The employee did not mean to include Social Security numbers, Davis said. The original message was sent at 7:47 a.m. Tuesday….
The Vernon Company database accessed; customers notified
Iowa-based The Vernon Company recently discovered that its system had been accessed via its vernoncompany.com web site. The breach was discovered on October 6, and the company shut down the web site until it could patch the vulnerabilities were patched. Further investigation suggested that the breach originated in Singapore, and may have occurred as early…
Feds: Bank workers helped theft ring steal $1.3 million
Nathan Gorenstein reports: A identity theft ring allegedly stole $1.3 million by persuading bank employees to provide customer information, federal officials said today. One man allegedly romanced a number of bank tellers, investigators said at a press conference. Five people were indicted on federal charges, officials said. The ring involved more than 20 people. […]…