Massachusetts-headquartered Doctors’ Management Service, Inc. provides medical billing services to physicians and hospitals. You may never have heard of them, but your hospital or physician might have provided them with your protected health information if your doctor or hospital contracts with them. This week, DMS sent notice of what they strangely describe as a “recent…
Category: U.S.
Marcus Hutchins’ plea leaves unsettled whether writing certain types of code is illegal – Ekeland
In May, 2017, a young man from the U.K. became known as an “accidental hero” for saving the world from the further spread of WannaCry ransomware. But months later, this same hero, Marcus Hutchins, known online as @MalwareTech, was arrested in the U.S. as he tried to fly home after attending the Black Hat and…
Terminated firefighter enters plea in stolen data case
Walt Buteau reports: A terminated veteran East Greenwich firefighter pleaded no contest in a case involving missing data used to repair and maintain the emergency alarm system that protects town-owned buildings and commercial property, the Target 12 Investigators have learned. Robert Warner, 43, of Warwick, entered the plea in Kent County Court on Tuesday to…
So how’s April so far?
Quick note: I haven’t been posting all the health data breaches or incidents I have already found this month, as in some cases, I’m waiting for responses from entities to my questions. But I am compiling the incidents in my worksheet that I provide to Protenus, Inc. for their analyses and freely available reports. Yesterday,…
Washington AG Ferguson bill strengthening data breach laws passes Legislature
From the Washington Attorney General’s Office yesterday, a press release on an expansion of the breach notification requirements. Of special note, under the new law, a hacker acquiring a name in combination with a student ID would trigger notification obligations, but only if the information was not secured or made unusable (e.g., by encryption) AND …
NJ: Ronald Snyder, M.D., Notifies patients after ransomware incident
From a press release by pediatric orthopedic surgeon Ronald Snyder, M.D.: April 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — On April 18, 2019 Ronald Snyder, M.D., (“Dr. Snyder”), announced a recent event that may have impacted the privacy of personal information relating to certain individuals. While Dr. Snyder is unaware of any attempted or actual misuse of personal information…