So the Congressional report on Equifax’s massive 2017 databreach was released. The title gives you a clue as to what you can expect to read in it: HOW EQUIFAX NEGLECTED CYBERSECURITY AND SUFFERED A DEVASTATING DATA BREACH STAFF REPORT PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE The report is 71 pages, and the following is…
Category: U.S.
OH: University Hospitals’ employee accidentally shared health information for hundreds of patients
Ginger Christ reports: An employee at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital accidentally disclosed private health information for about 840 patients in late February, according to a news release today from the health system. UH said the employee, who has not been publicly identified, sent an email to a “select group of patients or…
AeroGarden maker says hackers stole months of credit card data
Zack Whittaker reports: Bad news for home gardeners: criminals might have your credit card data. AeroGrow, the maker of the at-home garden kit AeroGarden, said in a letter to customers that its website had credit card scraping malware for more than four months. The company said anyone who bought something through its website between October…
Texas Medical Network Attracts Most Healthcare Data Hacks But It Is Fighting Back
Paul Flahive reports: Cyber criminals stole the health records of more than 9 million Americans last year, according to data from U.S. Health and Human Services. The data collected includes breaches from hospitals, health insurers and other health organizations covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which makes breaches public when they affect…
Former Sen. Hassan Aide Stole Gigabytes Of ‘High Value’ Data
Luke Rosiak reports: A former IT aide to New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan mounted an “extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme” against the office, the culprit’s plea agreement states. The plot included the installation of tiny “keylogging” devices that picked up every keystroke. Between July and October 2018, former IT aide Jackson Cosko worked with an…
Almost $500,000 swiped in city of Tallahassee payroll hack
Karl Etters reports: Almost half a million dollars was diverted out of the city of Tallahassee’s employee payroll Wednesday after a suspected foreign cyber-attack of its human resources management application. Hackers attempt every day to breach the city’s security, officials say, but this week’s operation netted about $498,000. Read more on Tallahassee Democrat.